Swissotel The Stamford is a Pioneer in Sustainable Practice

A motivated group of SAS and SwissCham members took part in an insightful tour at the first urban Aquaponics farm in
Singapore operated at Swissotel The Stamford. Aquaponics combines aquaculture – the growing of fish - with hydroponics, which stands for growing plants without soil.

In practical terms, the hotel guests’ entire demand of Tilapia fish and salad leaves & herbs is covered 10% (equivalent to 200 kg Tilapia per year) , respectively 30% (or 130 kg greens per month) by the Aquaponics farm. An impressive figure when we consider how much unnecessary carbon footprint elsewhere is created by transporting, storing and cooling of all these foods. At Swissotel The Stamford, it requires only 20 minutes from harvest to restaurant. And it’s all free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and conservatives. A sustainable cycle all within one system, in which fish waste is
converted to nitrates, which the vegetables use as fertilizers, while the lazer filter the water for the fish, thereby lowering water consumption.

Another impactful example of Swissotel the Stamford/Fairmont and RCCC (Raffles City Convention Centre) is their reduction of close to 25 tonnes of plastic per year since 2019. This was achieved by switching from complimentary drinking water in not reusable plastic bottles to sustainable solutions with SWISSPRO ® and filtered water dispensers. In all the guest rooms at the South Tower of Fairmont Singapore, selected seminar facilities and most of the restaurants, SWISSPRO ® converts tap water into natural taste, germ free drinking water with optional functions of hot/cold and even sparkling water.

Indeed, when it comes to walk the talk, Swissotel The Stamford is a pioneer and role model.